YOU'RE probably right!
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
Paranoia at Britain Branch?
by The Fall Guy ini just 'phoned britain branch and asked to speak to someone in the public information department.
it looks like the days of questioning the branch over the 'phone are a thing of the past.. here is the substance of my conversation with the sister who answered the telephone:.
operator: "what sort of information, please - is it a legal question or an accounting or construction question?".
Evolution of a congregation 1978- 2018
by joey jojo inour whole congregation was excited as we stood in front of our brand new kh and smiled for the photographer from the local newspaper.. for years we had been travelling 30 mins each way to attend the meetings and now, after a big effort of donations and hard work we finally had our own kh in our own town.
in the picture, there were 45 smiling faces of all ages, from the newborn to the old brother that had turned 100 and everyone in between.
the year was 1978.. the congregation grew and shrank over the years, probably hitting its peak during the 80's and 90's, there was even a renovation in the early 90's that the local brothers donated towards, for the benefit of the local town to hear the good news about the imminent arrival of the end.
The Fall Guy
Hey Joey, isn't it tragic that you & your old congregation's experience is now the rule for many - rather than the exception.
And it looks very likely that the same fate awaits the Kilbirnie congregation in Scotland.
The WTBTS is in seriously troubled waters - with no bridge in sight. (I feel a song coming on)
Regional Convention Stat. from the UK
by freddo inanother fantastic increase i mean stagnation for the jborg chariot .... cardiff, wales, uk convention july 27-29th 2018. attendances 3500/3600 (friday) - 4150 (sunday) approx.. baptisms - wait for it ... drumroll ... 10..
The Fall Guy
St Johnstone's football stadium in Perth was a horribly cold venue and was replaced several years ago by the SECC in Glasgow. The SSE Hydro arena has been used since 2014.
Paranoia at Britain Branch?
by The Fall Guy ini just 'phoned britain branch and asked to speak to someone in the public information department.
it looks like the days of questioning the branch over the 'phone are a thing of the past.. here is the substance of my conversation with the sister who answered the telephone:.
operator: "what sort of information, please - is it a legal question or an accounting or construction question?".
The Fall Guy
I just 'phoned Britain Branch and asked to speak to someone in the Public Information Department.
It looks like the days of questioning the Branch over the 'phone are a thing of the past.
Here is the substance of my conversation with the sister who answered the telephone:
Operator: "What sort of information, please - is it a legal question or an accounting or construction question?"
Me: No, it's a question about WATCHTOWER INTERNATIONAL. I just wanted some information about it.
Operator: Watchtower International???? We have a Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Britain, is that what you mean?
Me: No. It sounds as if you haven't heard of this organization either. I found it on the U.S. Dept. of State web site.
Operator: OK, probably the best thing you could do is drop us a line at the address on our web site, because we are all volunteers here and we don't have people to answer questions over the 'phone. Thank you for your call.
Me: So you've never heard of this organization yourself?
Operator: Hmmm............ thank you for your call. That's how to go about it.
Me: Can you answer that question - have you not heard of this organization?
Operator: Hmmm........yes...........I'm sorry, I'm not answering any questions. I'm not a spokesman, I'm just a switchboard operator. Thank you. Goodbye.
Even Bethelite mushrooms are being kept in the dark - as well as being fed the bovine excrement!
Maybe someone in the USA could get some info by 'phoning the HQ.
Great news!
by Half banana init's a case of two down and one to go.
my darling daughter has announced to the extended family that she has left jehovah's witnesses!
deep joy!.
The Fall Guy
Excellent result for you both! Hope she has a long and happy cult-free life.
Regional Convention Stat. from the UK
by freddo inanother fantastic increase i mean stagnation for the jborg chariot .... cardiff, wales, uk convention july 27-29th 2018. attendances 3500/3600 (friday) - 4150 (sunday) approx.. baptisms - wait for it ... drumroll ... 10..
The Fall Guy
Northern Ireland & Republic of Ireland: have I read the cult's website correctly that all JW's over there have to go to Liverpool?
I thought ROI had its own convention in Dublin.
Regional Convention Stat. from the UK
by freddo inanother fantastic increase i mean stagnation for the jborg chariot .... cardiff, wales, uk convention july 27-29th 2018. attendances 3500/3600 (friday) - 4150 (sunday) approx.. baptisms - wait for it ... drumroll ... 10..
The Fall Guy
I heard the baptism figure for Glasgow convention (JW population of Scotland attends this one) was 26. Awaiting confirmation.
Effectively, it's a national convention, not a regional one.
My brain will explode
by Alex Bogdanov ini am so tired to talk to jws that i know.
i think one day i will become rude and ingore them and avoid them.
every conversation ends like this-.
The Fall Guy
Ask any JW if the Catholic church's practice of voluntarily confessing to one priest is unscriptural.
They'll automatically want to say 'yes.'
Then ask them why J.W.'s are compelled to confess their serious sins to three elders? (scriptural backing?)
Matthew 18:15-17 says nothing about elders being involved when someone commits a serious sin.
In fact, Jesus explicitly stated that if a serious sin has been witnessed by someone, the matter should be resolved by the sinner and the witness. No one else was to be involved. Jesus never said anything about Christians having to confess to elders. (verse 16 is referring to other witnesses of the sin - not witnesses of the accusation)
Get them to read Matthew 18:17 & 1 Timothy 5:20, and then ask them, "So exactly who did Jesus & Paul say were to be informed of an unrepentant person's sin?" (obviously not just the kangaroo court!)
On the reliability of the Watchtower
by Sergey Antonov inhello!
could you give a link to the articles of the watchtower society, where they claim that information from the faithful and prudent slave comes from god and jesus christ.
and also, that magazines publish not people's thoughts, but god?.
The Fall Guy
w10 7/15 p. 23 par. 10 - ...."holy spirit helps responsible representatives of “the faithful and discreet slave” at world headquarters to discern deep truths that were not previously understood."
In other words, the alleged faithful slave is not discerning deep truths - their representatives (helpers) are apparently fulfilling Matthew 24:45, by proxy. :)
On the reliability of the Watchtower
by Sergey Antonov inhello!
could you give a link to the articles of the watchtower society, where they claim that information from the faithful and prudent slave comes from god and jesus christ.
and also, that magazines publish not people's thoughts, but god?.
The Fall Guy
Some connected statements:
w56 6/1 p. 346 par. 11 - Therefore the slave’s will is Jehovah’s will. Rebellion against the slave is rebellion against God.
w57 6/15 p. 370 par. 7 - It is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the “slave” as we would to the voice of God, because it is His provision.
w83 1/15 p. 27 par. 20 - Would we know the way of the truth if it had not been for guidance from the organization? Really, can we get along without the direction of God’s organization?” No, we cannot!
w01 8/1 p. 14 par. 8 - a mature Christian must not...harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by......“the faithful and discreet slave.”
w10 7/15 p. 23 par. 10 - holy spirit helps responsible representatives of “the faithful and discreet slave” at world headquarters to discern deep truths that were not previously understood.
w10 9/15 p. 8 par. 7 - Without the assistance of “the faithful and discreet slave,” we would neither understand the full import of what we read in God’s Word nor know how to apply it.
w06 9/1 p. 28 par. 5 - Hence, we are required to pray in Jesus’ name, recognizing Jesus as the sole channel through which God’s blessings are extended to all mankind.